Chapter 9: Declare a win or draw


For security reasons, Bitcoin does not allow infinite loops to prevent DoS attacks. All loops must be bounded at compile time. So if you want to loop inside @method, you must strictly use the following format:

let sum: bigint = 0n; for(let i = 0; i < 9; i++) { sum += BigInt(i); // use `BigInt()` to convert `i` to `bigint` type } assert(sum === 36n);

A win or draw

For the Tic-Tac-Toe game, a player wins if three of his marks are in a straight line. We enumerate all possibilities in a two-dimensional array FixedArray<FixedArray<bigint, 3>, 8>.

let lines: FixedArray<FixedArray<bigint, 3>, 8> = [ [0n, 1n, 2n], [3n, 4n, 5n], [6n, 7n, 8n], [0n, 3n, 6n], [1n, 4n, 7n], [2n, 5n, 8n], [0n, 4n, 8n], [2n, 4n, 6n] ];

If no one wins after all 9 squares of the board have been occupied, it is a tie.

Build outputs

In the last chapter, we learn that the outputs of current spending transaction can be accessed via ScriptContext. TicTacToe can contain the following three types of output during execution:

  1. The game is not over: a output containing the new state and a change output
  2. A player wins the game: a P2PKH output that pays the winner, and a change output.
  3. A draw: two P2PKH outputs that split the contract-locked bets equally between the players and a change output.

The P2PKH output can be built using Utils.buildPublicKeyHashOutput(pkh: PubKeyHash, amount: bigint). The change output can be built using this.buildChangeOutput().

Put it to the test

  1. In the win() function iterate over the lines array and check if a player wins the game.
  2. In the full() function, traverse all the squares of the board and check if it is full.
  3. Add a change output to the move() function.
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