第七章: 签名验证


下面例子是比特币网络中最常见的合约:支付到公钥哈希(Pay to Public Key Hash: P2PKH),即通常所说的比特币地址。

export class P2PKH extends SmartContract { // Address of the recipient. @prop() readonly pubKeyHash: PubKeyHash constructor(pubKeyHash: PubKeyHash) { super(...arguments) this.pubKeyHash = pubKeyHash } @method() public unlock(sig: Sig, pubkey: PubKey) { // Check if the passed public key belongs to the specified address. assert(hash160(pubkey) == this.pubKeyHash, 'public key hashes are not equal') // Check the signatures validity. assert(this.checkSig(sig, pubkey), 'signature check failed') }

this.checkSig() 用于根据公钥验证签名。


  1. 验证 move()sig 参数是否与当前玩家存储在合约属性中的公钥匹配。